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Atkinson Physician Assistant Education PA Education


Masters Degree

The Master of Advance Study in Physician Assistant Studies degree prepares graduates to deliver care as physician assistants. In alignment with the Program’s vision of academic and clinical excellence, the mission of the physician assistant program is recruit and retain learners who reflect the diverse population of California who will provide safe, effective, person-centered healthcare in various settings to improve the health and well-being of the patients and communities we serve.

Curriculum Design

The MAS-PAS program of study was authored by the program's faculty and staff using a collaborative and iterative process reflecting its authors' shared ownership. A subject-centered approach to curricular design required by the ARC-PA was built with intentional learner-centered, problem-centered, and constructivist frameworks. The program's strategic plan served as the basis of the development of the program learning outcomes and graduate competencies which were used to build a curricular scaffold that is modular, systems-based, and cumulative. The curriculum begins with basic sciences and introductory topics. It progressively introduces more advanced concepts requiring critical thinking, decision-making, and metacognitive skills to progress from the didactic to the clinical phase and ultimately through to graduation. Attention to cognitive load, alignment of course topics, balancing in-person and remote delivery of instruction, and strategic inclusion of curricular breaks in the curriculum support the program's prioritization of learner success, wellness, and prevention of burnout.