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Atkinson Physician Assistant Education PA Education

Strategic Plan


The University of California San Diego School of Medicine Atkinson Physician Assistant Education Program will recruit and retain learners who reflect the diverse population of California. Graduates will be prepared to provide safe, effective, person-centered health care in various settings to improve the health and well-being of the patients and communities we serve.


The program will be a regional and national model of academic and clinical excellence, with a reputation for developing physician assistants who practice in health care teams at the top of their training, licensure, and leadership potential.

Core Values

To achieve our mission and vision, we aspire to create an academic community built on clinical competence, collaboration, discovery, diversity, and excellence.

  • Utilize an investigative and analytic approach to clinical situations.
  • Provide health care that is compassionate, evidence-informed, and person-centered, in the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health.
  • Promote a culture of life-long learning and professional growth.

  • Harness the collective expertise of academic partners and their resources to design and deliver innovative, learner-centric educational experiences and cultivate opportunities to engage in scholarship.
  • Engage in interprofessional practice to ensure value-based health care delivery.
  • Promote optimal team-based practice that prioritizes safe, effective person-centered care.

  • Foster a culture that supports innovation by showcasing and rewarding academic efforts.
  • Leverage technology to improve access to educational resources that enhance the teaching and learning experience.
  • Explore novel and innovative ways to enhance education in the classroom and beyond.

  • Advocate for the health and well-being of all individuals in our diverse communities.
  • Embrace equitable frameworks that seek to be inclusive of individuals impacted by systematic disadvantage, marginalization, and exclusion.
  • Cultivate an educational environment that promotes diverse perspectives, mutual respect, inclusivity, and belonging.

  • Validate excellence through continuous self-assessment and quality improvement.
  • Inspire career advancement and leadership in the profession and community.
  • Encourage the pursuit of a lifestyle that respects a balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and contentment in the pursuit of excellence.

Program Goals

The Atkinson Physician Assistant Education Program goals align with its mission and support a learning environment that emphasizes learner success, diversity, and service to Californians. The rigorous curriculum provides the learner with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for competent clinical practice with a focus on primary care. The program will maintain a robust process of continuous self-assessment to evaluate performance related to each of its goals and to ensure compliance with ARC-PA accreditation standards. Faculty and staff have set the following goals for the UC San Diego Atkinson Physician Assistant Education Program.

To measure success toward meeting program goals, guide program analysis, and improve performance over time, measures of success have been established for each goal. Measures of success will be reevaluated at specific intervals throughout the program in accordance with the Program Self-Assessment Policy.

Goal #1: Competency

Graduates will acquire the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes/competencies for entry into professional physician assistant practice.


We provide learners an exceptional educational experience and prepare them for clinical practice utilizing competencies informed by our four professional organizations.

Measures of Success

  • End of didactic phase learner curriculum surveys will exceed 80% satisfaction ratings in aggregate for all survey questions for entry into the clinical phase curriculum.
  • Five-year, first-time PANCE pass rate will meet or exceed the national average.
  • One-year postgraduate alumni surveys will exceed 80% satisfaction ratings in aggregate for all survey questions for entry into clinical practice.


To be determined

Contribute to regional primary care workforce needs by graduating physician assistants who are ready to serve the California public.


As a public institution of higher learning, we have a vested interest in addressing the health care needs of the California public with an emphasis on local/regional demographics. The program aims to meet the health care workforce goal of increasing the distribution of primary care, rural/border health, and specialty practitioners who are ready to practice in and lead the transformation of health care systems to improve access, quality of care, and cost effectiveness.

Measures of Success

  • 50% of graduates will practice in the state of California.
  • 25% of graduates will practice in San Diego and Imperial counties.
  • 20% of graduates will practice in primary care settings.
  • 5% of graduates will practice in rural/border health settings.


To be determined

Recruit, retain, and graduate learners who reflect the diverse population of California.


We recognize the importance of utilizing a holistic admissions process to enable the selection of a diverse group of learners who are equipped with the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes to complete successfully the UC San Diego PAE program and serve diverse communities throughout California.

Measures of Success

  • Targeted recruitment efforts seek to attract highly qualified individuals from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Matriculants will meet or exceed the state of California averages for diversity as reported by the US Census Bureau..
  • Graduates will meet or exceed the state of California averages for diversity as reported by the US Census Bureau.


To be determined

Foster and maintain collaborative connections between the Atkinson Physician Assistant Education Program and its alumni.


We aim to foster consistent communication with graduates as our ambassadors, advocates, and supporters to promote an exchange of ideas and experiences that offer meaningful benefits to both professional practicing alumni and enrolled learners.

Measures of Success

  • By year three, sponsor one local alumni event yearly.
  • By year four, sponsor one regional/state alumni event yearly.
  • By year five, sponsor one national alumni event yearly.
  • By year five, at least three alumni will serve as instructional faculty.
  • By year five, at least three alumni will serve as clinical preceptors.


To be determined